Tour an Advanced Manufacturing Center
Our commitment to the manufacturing industry includes supporting Advanced Manufacturing Centers and our partners. Join us for a tour of Houston Community College's Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence. Our partnership supports the Department of Labor's "Good Jobs" principles, supporting Capital Idea Houston to provide apprenticeships and "good jobs".

This facility features a state-of-the-art manufacturing lab, HAAS CNC machines and multiple manual machines. The campus offers multiple certificates for advanced manufacturing roles, in addition to having a Maker Space and Fab Lab as well as a robotics and welding curriculum.
Join us at the Stafford Center of Excellence.
Can't make it? Schedule a visit with us!
When: July 10th
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: 13622 Stafford Road
Stafford, Texas 77477
#Auredia #HCC #LetsMakeItHere #GoodJobs #AdvancedManufacturing #Workforce #DepartmentofLabor #CapitalIDEAHouston