Auredia Makers
Who is an Auredia Maker?
Our Makers are unique individuals in the community who support manufacturing. We believe that creative individuals are the heart of manufacturing. From legacy-trained 2nd and 3rd generation machinists to artisans and self-taught creators, we seek to scaffold and support the Makerspace community and future machinists.
Auredia offers a platform that connects individuals to resources that benefit the Makerspace marketplace. From directory listings to access to databases of tools and machines available to use, we have designed a unique platform that truly does Empower the People Who are Powering Machines TM.
If you are a Makerspace or a Maker please check out our community to learn more. The first step to take is to fill our our Makerspace Intake Form so we can help determine what resources will best fit your needs and learn more about your brand. From there, we can provide access to work, machines, upskilling programs and local businesses you can network within to help your brand grow.
Why should you fill out our form?
You don't have to fill out the form to join our listings, however when you do fill out the form, we can better resource your needs. From connecting to funding resources, to workforce apprenticeships and interns, we are here to share our technology and vision with our community. We believe that the resources that were only available to industrial giants should be shared, and we are doing our part to activate that narrative.
We are active in our community. We have our technology in Houston Community College's Advanced Manufacturing COE in Stafford and we work closely with the University of Houston's Data Science Institute to be able to help students accrue skills for data science. Alongside this program, we are working with NIMS to offer credentialing for upskilling and job placement. A current MOU with the support of Capital Idea Houston has helped endow a $2M grant for advanced manufacturing workforce development. Over 80% of our workforce are former interns and contingent workers with little experience in their current roles. We place multiple interns on our team internally and are working on our first cohort of apprenticeships for 2024.
Many resources exist